Trust In The Power And The Wisdom Of The Body - My Birth Story

Do have an affirmation you are using during your pregnancy and/or birth? I had different affirmations for my two pregnancies and births & I'd love to hear yours.

In my first pregnancy I needed to switch my mentality from one of fear to one of belief. I remember being halfway through my pregnancy and thinking ‘Oh my life at some point I have to get this baby out of me,’ and I felt truly scared and overwhelmed by that thought.  Someone I worked with at the time gave me a book about hypnobirthing, and that was integral to changing in my mindset.  I moved from a place of fear to a place of belief. Believing whole heartedly in my body's and my baby's ability to birth my baby without the need for lots of intervention and monitoring. My affirmation was something like ‘My birth will be calm, relaxed and easeful’.  And that affirmation, mindset and belief helped me to achieve a birth that was fairly straightforward and calm. That doesn’t mean it was pain free or without some pretty intense sensations, but I managed those with breath work and movement.

My second pregnancy was different - of course - no pregnancy and birth are going to be the same! I had lots of extra scans as there were concerns about the growth of my second baby and whether the placenta was working as well as it could be. There was a lot of talk about being induced early, and the need for me and my baby to be monitored during the birth. I wanted a home birth and was resistant to being induced early. I sought second opinions and saw an independent midwife. I agreed to be monitored more regularly towards the end of my pregnancy to ensure my baby was ok and the placenta was still doing its job effectively. But instead of being a time of joy I felt like the second part of my pregnancy was a time of worry and concern. I had to keep my own council and the way I did that was through my yoga practice and a practice of yoga nidra (guided relaxation). I remember repeatedly listening to a yoga nidra relaxation practice, and the message of that practice was to trust in the power and the wisdom of the body. To deeply trust in the power and the wisdom of the body. And that's what I kept coming back to. Trusting that ultimately, I knew if my baby was ok. I knew if my pregnancy should continue or if induction was necessary. I'm not saying it was always easy. There were times when I wondered if I was being foolish, if the best thing was induction, if I was risking a stillbirth. But at 41 weeks and 2 days Isla decided it was her time to enter the external world. We worked together and she was born a healthy weight of 7lbs in the midwife led unit at Southmead hospital. Very little intervention and monitoring was needed.  I had a water birth and was given space to birth in the way that I wanted to.  

I share this in case it helps you and your experience if you are currently pregnant or about to give birth. Listen to advice and guidance but give yourself time and space to digest that and to make an informed decision that you feel aligned to and that mirrors the way you want to bring your baby into this world.

Trusting in the power and the wisdom of the body is a lifelong affirmation for me.  If we can take time to give ourselves space in our daily life and to listen inwardly the answer to most of our questions or uncertainties is there. For me, my yoga practice gives me this space, and when I allow it I’m guided in my life from a place of deep wisdom.


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